Subcontractor and Material Suppliers Prequalification Form

Subcontractor and Material Suppliers Prequalification Form

Subcontractor & Material Suppliers Prequalification Form

Joseph J. Duffy Co. is eager to find new and qualified subcontractors and material suppliers.

Thank you for filling out our Subcontractor Prequalification Form

You have submitted all necessary information. Please give us 24-48 hours and one of our team members will contact you.

Company Name & Address

Contact Information

General Business Information

Please select up to 2 categories

MBE / WBE / DBE Subcontractor Supplier

What percentage of your firm's business is industrial/commercial or multifamily housing?

Union Open Shop Prevailing Wage

Yes No

If yes, please answer the following questions.

Yes No

Please attach a separate sheet with three business references of jobs and major projects.

What are the minimum insurance limits that you carry?

10 Hour 30 Hour None

List your Worker Compensation Experience Modification Rate (EMR) for the last three years.