Marycrest Senior Living Housing Renovation

Marycrest Senior Living Housing Renovation
JJ Duffy Co. has begun the renovation of the Volunteers of America Marycrest Affordable Senior Housing in Joliet, IL. This 3 story, 56 unit, 39,600 SF apartment building project will include several small additions and architectural improvements to the exterior, providing a fresh and welcoming appearance to the building for the residents and visitors. The project will also include extensive site improvements and apartment unit upgrades, including new windows, siding and roof, and modernization of corridor and public, added emergency generator and a new Wellness Center resulting in an updated facility for the residents.
The major improvements/upgrades include a new emergency back-up generator, new fire suppression system, fire alarm device, emergency call system, entry system, surveillance system, new HVAC equipment for the common areas, as well as new apartment and common area signage.
These improvements for the individual apartment units, all being done while the building is fully occupied, will be featured in our next post- stay tuned. Funding provided by the Illinois Housing Development Authorities Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.