Joseph J. Duffy Co. Goes Green(er)

Joseph J. Duffy Co. Goes Green(er)
In the continually changing construction environment, Joseph J. Duffy is doing its part to keep the environment a clean and healthy one.
- Duffy has 3 full-time LEED Accredited Professionals on its staff to assist on current and forth coming projects.
- In an effort to reduce paper usage and consumption along with power usage and consumption, Joseph J. Duffy continues to adapt its bidding process. Through this ever evolving process, Duffy has been able to eliminate, 95% of the power and paper previously used in sending out their invitations to bid.
- Duffy continues to recycle up to 50% of job site generated waste.
- Duffy is currently working on jobs seeking LEED, IHDA Green Initiative, and Chicago Green Housing accreditation.